General Information

Name Zheyuan (Ryan) Lai
Languages English, Chinese (Mandarin)


  • 2023 - Present
    Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Statistics
    National University of Singapore (NUS)
    • Specialize in Data Science
    • Minor in Computer Science
  • 2024
    International Honors Program
    Stanford University
    • Summer Quarter


  • High Dimensional Statistics
  • Machine Learning
  • Optimization


  • 2024 - Present
    Research Intern
    Bioinformatics Institute, A*STAR
    • Computational Digital Pathology Lab (CDPL)
    • Optimization and Generalization of AI Digital Pathology Diagnostic Model Performance
  • 2024 - Present
    Editor Intern - Supply Chain (Inventory) Section
    ORAI China (运筹OR帷幄)
    • ORAI China (运筹OR帷幄) is a global online community mainly focused on Operations Research, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
    • Conduct literature review on outstanding research papers from renowned OR/OM-related journals.
    • Regularly collect, collate, and summarize recent outstanding academic papers about Supply Chain/Inventory Management, providing readers with a quick insight into the latest industry developments.
    • Articles


  • 2024
    Breast Cancer Detection
    • Final project of Artificial Intelligence - Technology and Impact
    • Skills: Python, TensorFlow, Keras, Supervised Machine Learning
    • Led a team of four to conduct classification on breast cancer dataset, which consists of information of 350 different DNA fragments and corresponding labels
    • Implemented classification models including Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) using TensorFlow-based machine learning libraries including scikit-learn and Keras
  • 2023
    House Price Prediction
    • Final project of Introduction to Statistics and Statistical Computing
    • Skills: R, Linear Regression, Hypothesis Testing, Descriptive Data Analysis
    • Fitted a linear regression model using RStudio to predict the house price of Oregon, USA from various factors
    • Explored the effectiveness of each regressor in the given dataset and purposed the optimal combination of regressors for regression model utilizing statistical plots and t-test

Honors and Awards

  • Dec 2023
    • Top Students in Programming Methodology


  • Languages: C/C++, Python, R, LaTeX, Markdown
  • Packages: NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, PyTorch, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, Keras
  • Tools: Git/GitHub, Unix Shell, VS Code, PyCharm